Alumina ceramic injection molding services provide high hardness, wear and corrosion resistance for precision components able to withstand high temperatures, pressures and caustic environments.

Injection Molding Alumina Grade

Injection Molding Alumina Grade

High purity alumina powder grades like A16SG and APA-0.5 are commonly used in ceramic injection molding for superior mechanical strength, hardness, stiffness and high temperature properties.

Alumina Injection Molding Design Guidelines

Wall ThicknessMaintain uniform thickness to prevent cracking and warping.
Ribs and BossesReinforce thin sections with ribs, add bosses for inserts.
Draft AnglesInclude draft angles for easy ejection from the mold.
Fillets and RadiiAdd fillets to reduce stress concentrations and sharp corners.
Gate LocationPlace gates at thicker sections to ensure even filling.
UndercutsMinimize undercuts to facilitate mold removal.
Material SelectionChoose alumina based on its high hardness and thermal stability.
Surface FinishIndicate desired finish for aesthetics and function.
TolerancesSpecify tolerances considering shrinkage and dimensional accuracy.
Parting Line LocationDetermine optimal parting line for easier mold separation.

Material Properties of Alumina Ceramic Injection Molding

PropertyAlumina (Al2O3)
Density (g/cm³)3.85 - 3.98
Hardness (Mohs)9
Flexural Strength (MPa)300 - 500
Compressive Strength (MPa)2000 - 4000
Young's Modulus (GPa)300 - 400
Thermal Conductivity (W/mK)20 - 35
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (10^-6/°C)7.2 - 9.0
Maximum Use Temperature (°C)1600 - 1800
Electrical InsulationExcellent
Chemical ResistanceResistant to most chemicals and corrosive environments.

Alumina Injection Molding Applications

Alumina Injection Molding Applications

Alumina injection molding provides high hardness, temperature resistance, and electrical insulation in ceramic components. Ideal for applications in aerospace, military, automotive, electronics that require precision parts with extreme durability.

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